Monday 22 February 2016

Short insight - What is the fuss all about?

The hullabaloo about the NYS scandal is too noisy and unnecessary. You see, I came to the conclusion many years ago that the human being is the only animal capable of infinite harm to its own kind and these things don’t shock me anymore. Those mentioned in this unfolding scandal are doing nothing more than confirming what I have known all along.

That people can choose to enrich themselves by over invoicing on essential drugs that would benefit scores of children, or being paid for delivery of non-existent goods and services is not news anymore because this is what has been happening in Kenya for many years with barely a yawn from the gate keepers who are paid to see that these things don't happen as those entrusted with public funds continue to pillage and line their pockets at will.

The Kabura affidavit that has exposed the corruption that goes on in high places in Kenya is to me just a tip of the iceberg and the stuff that is under water (given the iceberg analogy) and the corrupt schemes that have been perpetrated by various senior government officials over the years would put this small Waiguru scheme where only Kshs. 791 Million (or Kshs. 1.6 Billion depending on who you are talking to) to shame.

I wonder whether other similarly walking wounded having been used and then dumped in the dustbin of obscurity will now come out to pen their own affidavits exposing corruption in high places. I wonder how many more of those involved in past corruption practices are now seeking divine intervention so that their filthy issues are not exposed. I wonder whether there is any blackmail going on even as I pen this post from those threatening to expose their puppet masters and finally I wonder if there shall be any mysterious deaths on some whistle blowers who know too much and must therefore be consigned to their makers before they spill the beans!!

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