Tuesday 17 September 2013

The road to riches is paved by those with evil intentions:

I am constantly bemused by the barrage of people wanting to interest me in one form of therapy or another, or in one cure all or another, or in one weight loss program or another, or one magic portion bullet or another to fight a variety of conditions from obesity, to AIDS, to TB, to Cholera, to being poor and to guarantee future riches.

This bemusement also extends to those intending to sell to me pieces of glass orbs that supposedly purify and deionize water, to necklaces that you wear to ward off bad karma, to foot baths that rid the body of toxins to gadgets with beams that you direct at certain parts of your body for instant healing. Those selling all sorts of poultices, herbal creams, mineral and vitamin supplements, ointments and balms are also in their hundreds every one proclaiming that their product is better than the next or has health benefits unheard of before and can be yours for the low, low price of Kshs. 50,000.00, Kshs. 100,000.00 or such other large amounts of money. The pricing is the key because while what you purchase is never intrinsically worth what you pay for it, the pricing ensures that only those with that kind of money can afford it thus giving the whole show some semblance of exclusivity.

But call me a skeptic or whatever else you wish to call me, but all that is balderdash, hogwash and a load of bull and is most likely just some get rich quick scheme like that hoax hatched some years ago by a company based in the UK that manufactured a gadget that they claimed could detect, explosives, guns and other contraband items from a great distance.

Now for a fair warning. For those who feel slighted by the direction of this blog article, stop reading NOW because it is likely that some of my comments will hit below the belt. If you do choose to continue reading it is with the tacit acceptance that you will not hold me accountable for any ill feelings you may harbor against me now or in the future so you continue at your own risk.

Many governments have over the years been convinced to buy that useless detection gadget for use by their police and military forces while there is no conclusive evidence that it even does what it is claimed to do. Our very own Kenya Police purchased these expensive devices and have defended their effectiveness over the years perhaps to avoid looking foolish in the eyes of the tax paying public. The gadget was described as "a useless quack device which cannot perform any other function than separating naive persons from their money. It's a fake, a scam, a swindle, and a blatant fraud”………which would pretty much be my definition of many of these devices and gadgets said to be magical cures to a host of ailments by directing a ray here, a beaded necklace here and a glass orb there and so on.

But the story doesn’t end there because these merchants and masters of chicanery having sold you some worthless but expensive piece of junk then encourage you to establish a down line of other people willing to purchase the product or the benefits of the product where you stand to earn a commission on the sale thereby recovering your initial investment.

These multilevel scams have invaded churches, clubs, colleges, homes and offices with people actively holding meetings and selling junk to others naive enough to be separated from their money with the initiators of the scam laughing all the way to the bank while spinning fantastic stories of sudden great wealth and access to all the good things that money can buy once your down line is 5 or 10 strong only for the game to reach its logical conclusion and collapse on itself when the saturation point and life cycle of the scam reaches often in a very short time.

As the cycle of the never ending quest for instant riches continues the next day as yet another charlatan opens up shop with another fantastic story to tell of a magical gadget that is guaranteed to put money in your pocket just going to prove how fickle and shallow minded the human mind real is. The cacophony surrounding this phenomenon would see our country hurtling towards becoming a very wealthy country within the next 10 years if only half the energy in the multilevel business was directed toward more meaningful pursuits.

So you have been warned, the road to riches is paved with the evil intentions of the crafty and fed by the insatiable greed of the naïve and at the end of the day, only one will make his money..............the crafty !! Ask the government of Kenya.

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