Friday 15 June 2012

To Commend or to Condemn!!

Kenyans, I had a dream that I would like to share.

I dreamt that I would commend our dear legislators for many things amongst them:

  • Their unending and ongoing efforts to remove the shroud of tribalism from our midst by actively discouraging tribal speak,
  • Their commitment to fighting corruption and all things corrupt since corruption always fights back,
  • Their acceptance towards ensuring that this government (or is it goofernment!) of national unity that was a creation of the political class to serve their own interests will work towards ensuring that it succeeds at any costs,
  • Their determination to ensure that no single citizen of this country sleeps hungry for lack of access to a job to enable them feed their families,
  • Their attitude in fostering a sense of collective responsibility that they would want us citizens to emulate,
  • Their pursuit of exemplary leadership so that we can see them as role models that our children can eschew,
  • Their leadership by example where they accept the fact that we all have a common destiny in the future growth and stability of this nation including paying taxes on all income and allowances earned,
  • Their commitment to a better livelihood for the common good of all by fighting land grabbing and other social ills that now threaten the very existence of this country since the primary water towers in the country are now threatened at the alter of politics,
  • Their high moral standing in society where they preach that the family is sacrosanct and must be protected as a basic unit of continuing peace and prosperity at all costs,
  • Their dependability and  non partisan crusade against crime, criminals and criminal gangs by whatever name they are called,
  • Their sober and reasoned arguments as they go about their parliamentary business where decisions are taken based on conviction rather than any other considerations,
  • Their passion to ensure the continued growth of this country on the economic front and the social front by passing laws that generate best business practices, encourage local and international investment and create a level playing field to attract and treat all players equally

The list is endless. However on waking up the reality struck because my dreams are instead a nightmare, unrealized and unfulfilled since all that I wish to commend I can only condemn our leaders for since they appear not to care two hoots for me or my fellow citizenry.

But, what do you expect when you elect people with criminal records including defilement, theft and obtaining money by false pretences? What do you expect to happen when we choose people with illegitimate children and tens of concubines?

People that are looters of public resources, plunderers of public land and die hard corruption czars have no business leading Kenyans and neither do businessmen protecting their personal interests over the public good or tribal chieftains preaching that their tribes are being targeted at every opportunity or liars who only pretend to care about you and me when the campaign season is imminent and who promise heaven and deliver nothing once in high office.

These people can only be termed as cabaliers (cabals) and carteliers (cartels) intent on forming alliances to continually exploit the citizenry while pushing their own narrow political interests and survival.

I condemn them all in the strongest possible terms but still dream that one day we as Kenyans will be free of this phenomenon that is as anti-development as it is despicable!

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